
Throw Away People by Connie Bergstrom

It’s not until you live this life on the outside looking in, that you find out how messed up it is. I have heard "our people" called the throw away people. It has always stuck in my head... We were not created to be trash! We are human. We come with flaws. Society...

The Power of A Letter

Adjusting to prison is no easy feat. I liken it to being put on an airplane, blindfolded, taken to a remote location somewhere on this vast earth, and dropped off in a foreign land with no resources. You are left with nothing but your own wits and inherent ability to...

LFP: The most important person in the world

I received this email yesterday from an inmate in an Ohio prison. (See Tim's artwork in a post from last November.) It is simply not possible to exaggerate the importance of a letter in prison. Melissa, I thank you for your time. I can't explain how elated I am to...


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