Adopt an Inmate wants to wish all of our followers, volunteers, and adopters a very happy and blessed holiday season. Our first...
Letters From Angels: Anyone Can Write a Letter
Yesterday's blog post was a poem and drawing sent to us by Ron in Florida. I showed my 82-year old aunt Nancy the picture,...
Letters From Angels: I Had One Person
This is from our new friend of the blog, Frank, who has recently adopted an inmate. Watch for more from Frank in this series. I...
Postage Campaign – Please Donate and Share
We're needing some help with postage! Since our recent listing in the PARC (Prison Activist Resource Center) Directory, the mail...
Quarterly Newsletter – Fall 2015
We're thrilled to announce the first issue of our online quarterly newsletter, created especially for family members, friends,...
Calling all Angels – Stamp Donations Needed!
An easy and inexpensive way to help! Postage is our biggest expense, along with ink, paper, and envelopes. Please consider...
Adopt an Inmate on ‘Women Behind the Wall’ Podcast with Gloria Killian
I was thrilled to be Gloria Killian's guest on her podcast "Women Behind the Wall," Thursday, August 20th. Gloria is the...
AI on ‘Women Behind the Wall’ Podcast with Gloria Killian 8/20/2015
Please tune in for this Thursday's episode of Women Behind the Wall Podcast, hosted by Gloria Killian. I am thrilled and honored...
Yvette Louisell – Parole Hearing
Yvette Louisell is one of our adoptees. She was a 17-year old University of Iowa student when she was sentenced to life without...
Goethe Quote
Treat people as if they were who they ought to be, and you may contribute to their becoming all they are capable of being....