[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="7"] Everyone at AI headquarters and all our volunteers are pulling together to help get some of the...
Fall 2016 Quarterly E-Newsletter
Click on the image to open the PDF. Enter your email in the sidebar to the right and receive each new issue in your email. This...
Calling All Angels: Stamps, please!
We are working night and day on a few projects - one of which is catching up with a significant backlog of mail. We owe several...
Families Pay The Price
We often hear of the exorbitant costs to operate prisons. State budgets are stretched thin and perpetually strained in order to...
AI Quarterly E-Newsletter: Spring 2016
AI Newsletter Spring 2016 Page one is shown below, click the link above for the PDF file with clickable links.
Simply Human
This past Friday (also known as Good Friday) I volunteered to work in the visiting room. I'd been asked--along with...
We’re Baaaack!
Our blog has been in a quiet period for some time, while we focused on other tasks, but we're back, and you can expect a regular...
AI Newsletter: Winter 2016
This publication was created for you – family members, friends, and advocates of prisoners. In each issue you will find useful...
It’s #GivingTuesday!
Adopt an Inmate wants to wish all of our followers, volunteers, and adopters a very happy and blessed holiday season. Our first...
Letters From Angels: I Had One Person
This is from our new friend of the blog, Frank, who has recently adopted an inmate. Watch for more from Frank in this series. I...