We’re excited to offer the fourth in Eric Burnham’s five-part series on "The Four Agreements," by bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz. In the book, Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient...
Counting My Blessings
It's not too often that we take time in our day to reflect on the many good things we have: a job, healthy kids, a home in a safe neighborhood, food on the table, and the list could obviously go on for pages. After all, we are so preoccupied with the hustle and bustle...
Michael’s Day in Court
On this day, which is almost nine years in the making, I wish to dedicate this AI blog post to Michael Henderson. Michael's hearing is today (finally!) and I am in attendance (we are finally in the same room!). I have known Michael for going on three years. The past...
Review of Black Privilege by Charlamagne Tha God
What a name, right? When I intially read this title I thought to myself, "There's no way there's any truth to this statement!" Then I began to read and was quickly proven wrong. If you're familar with comedian, brash in-your-face radio personality Charlamagne, you...
Hate Mail: It’s All Over The Map by Michael Henderson
Hello Everyone! I love that I get to learn something new every day no matter where I am in life or actuality. Today I learned that this topic (Hate Mail) is an ongoing series on the blog. Yea Missy! Just a reminder, I'm still housed at the county jail facility, back...
Review of The Universe in the Rearview Mirror by David Goldberg
A review of The Universe in the Rearview Mirror. For a jolt of reality, David Goldberg explains in the clearest and most understood terms why those among us that have imposed self importance and insignificance have gotten it all wrong. If you've been afraid to try and...
Mail Fail
So many people who become incarcerated have no idea that just because we are behind the fences doesn't mean that we have no rights. One of the most important rights is that of communication. We can, for all intents and purposes communicate with our lawyers and loved...
Shawn Ali Bahrami: Free at Last!
We couldn't be happier for our friend Shawn Ali, just released after 22 years in prison.
More Than A Number
Inmate 1-2-6-6-4-1-7-5 — that's my other "name." The name I'm forced to answer to on a regular basis lest I be found in disobedience of a direct order by refusing to answer to a state-issued number, insisting on being called by the name my parents gave me at birth. In...
Letters From Death Row: You Have Friends Here
I'm still feeling a little down about last week's execution. They killed Mark Asay on the 24th. I had honestly expected him to get a stay. Florida was using a new drug, etomidate. Mark was the guinea pig. I sincerely believe the courts would let them shoot us full of...