Melissa Bee

Walls Turned Sideways: Artists Confront the Justice System

Walls Turned Sideways: Artists Confront the Justice System

The Texas Observer reports on a compelling exhibit at the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH) titled Walls Turned Sideways.Ā "Named after an epigram by Angela Davis ā€” 'Walls turned sideways are bridges' ā€” the show includes the work of 42 artists and artist...

Hate Mail – “No Stamps”

Hate Mail – “No Stamps”

See the post that launched this series here. We receive returned mail almost daily, refused due to various mail violations. Postage is one of our biggest expenses, so because postcards stamps are cheaper than regular first class stamps, we have an assortment of...

Help Us Help April Barber

Help Us Help April Barber

I get calls from inmates all over the country, all day long. Many of them are collect calls, and as much as I wish I could, I can't accept them - we've no budget for it. Each state's prison phone system has its particular recording, typically announcing whether it is...

Recent Donations

Recent Donations

Everything we do revolves around the mail, and opening our post office box is a daily adventure. This week, we received a handful of unexpected donations in the mail - just in time for our volunteer work sessions this weekend. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts...

Jpay Stamp Discount for Selected Locations

The following promotion is directly from Jpay: Sunday was Daylight Saving Time, so even though you set your clocks forward, we are rolling back prices!Ā  JPay is offering 10% off stamp purchases today through Friday, March 16, 2018! We hope this promotion makes it a...